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a Division of

The Challenge

Sluggish sales

The solution

1. Strategic Roadmap

As with every new client we first performed a strategic assessment to determine what the company lacked in terms of visibility on the Internet’s marketing channels and what was necessary to implement in order to improve on the sales.

2. Keyword Research

After performing keyword research and site analytics we found out which keywords people were searching for:

  • Halloween Cookies
  • Wedding Cookies
  • Christmas cookies
  • Designer cookies
  • Decorated cookies
  • Holiday cookies
  • Gourmet cookies
  • Valentine cookies
  • Gourmet cookies
  • Decorated cookies
  • Hand decorated cookies
  • Personalized cookies

3. We performed Search Engine optimization for the terms mentioned above:

4. We also created and managed campaigns on adwords and Bing

5. Writing and publishing

We published 1,000 words+ articles on their blogs.
Examples are:

“Decorated cookies for Halloween parties”
“wedding Cookies and their creative uses”
“Decorated Cookies are The Perfect Complement to Any Wedding”
“Say “Thank You” with Wedding Cookies!”
“Professionally Decorated Wedding Cookies Are Easy to Order”
“Personalized Easter Cookies”
“Easter Cookies Aren’t Just for Kids!”
“Decorated Valentine’s Day Cookies: The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift”

6. Video production and publishing

With Rachel Ray & Guy Fiery

7. Email Marketing

Emailed to their database for each occasion:

  • Christmas
  • Valentine’s day
  • Easter
  • Weddings
  • 4th of July
  • Halloween

8. Social Media: Facebook, Twitter Pinterest and Instagram.

we promoted cookie gift baskets with coupons for each season.


The Results:

We increased their sales by 177% in 6 months.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
