Strategic Marketing Insights

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Strategic Marketing Insights®

A Stephen Gorgey
Strategic Marketing Signature Service® 

This is a program I developed while acting as the VP of digital Marketing for the American Marketing Association. It is the culmination of 20 years of work in the digital marketing industry. It is aimed at saving entrepreneurs time and money.

In the last 20 years, I have seen many entrepreneurs waste their time and money “shooting from the hip”. Let me explain: Since the digital marketing landscape has become ever more complex and competitive, there are many different strategies to choose from:  Should you be buying ads on Google Adwords, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram? Should you hire a publicist?, buy native ads? Hire an SEO or a PR company? One would not know until you do the proper research.

Unfortunately that needed research is not what is typically being sold to entrepreneurs at the onset. Rather, what I have seen a lot of is: entrepreneurs falling prey to unscrupulous sales people who take them down a rabbit hole of expenditures they don’t need, professing that their solution or platform is the silver bullet.  I have seen countless entrepreneurs being burned in that fashion: trying too many wrong things and run out of time and money.

As a response to this problem I came up with a set of solutions that reveals to the entrepreneur the best strategies for their business before they make the costly mistakes.  I have named the first of these solutions: Digital Marketing Insights®.

Strategic Marketing Insights® delivers:

  • A marketing efficiency analysis of your online presence based on 70 key factors that determine the bases of being successful online.
  • A Usability analysis of your website aimed at converting more visitors into buyers.
  • A competition analysis revealing how you stack up against three of your competitors.
  • A top sales funnel custom-created for your company and aimed at massively increasing traffic and sales.
  • A 20+ page PDF report that will give you powerful insights about what step to take next on your journey to markedly improve the profitability of your business.
  • A 90-minute remote on-screen consultation with me going over the findings and answering any question you may have.

Book a free 30 minute consultaqtion with me to discuss your needs:

Warm Regards
Stephen Gorgey





VP of Digital Marketing 

American Marketing Association Los Angeles Chapter

Get More Clients with Strategic Digital Marketing
Gold Addy™ Award Winner
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Reduce Client Acquisition Costs by 30-50% While Increasing Your Customer Base. Read Our Testimonials:

“My name is Anna-Lea Dieringer and I am the co-founder of VMO, a virtual marketing office based in Seattle, WA. We hired Stephen Gorgey and his company Target Logic to perform an Online Strategic Roadmap in order to assess a client’s online strategy. Stephen provided a wealth of information about our client’s industry and competition, and showed our client how to most effectively invest their marketing dollars online to increase sales and achieve a better return on investment.”

Anna-Lea Dieringer,
Co-founder of VMO,

“My agency has been working with TargetLogic for over 14 years. They understand how to put together strategic marketing strategies to help your business get more customers online. I highly recommend them if you are looking to grow your business online.”

Allen Breiter,
Founder & CEO,

“My partner and I own and operate an ecommerce site called: We hired Stephen Gorgey and his company Target Logic to design a strategic roadmap for our company in order to take our ecommerce business to the next level. Part of the Strategic roadmap was to get a solid understanding of our online competition and identify the most effective online marketing strategies to invest in. We highly recommend Stephen Gorgey and his company Target Logic to any company that needs a clear plan to take their business to the next level.”

Brenda Stimpton,

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