Digital Marketing Battle Plan

“Win the Battle Before it’s Ever Fought” – Sun Tzu The Art of War

Your Digital Marketing Battle Plan® has saved our clients millions of dollars in time and money.   Since the digital marketing landscape has become ever more complex and competitive, there are many different digital marketing strategies to choose from and a lot of them will not be the best fit in terms of bringing you the best return on your marketing dollar.

The reason is: many digital marketing strategies are based on a “One-size fits all model” and so in order to know if it will work for your business, additional research has to be done. We could call that the “customize it to your business” component that is often missing from the equation.

We have witnessed this familiar phenomenon for 20 years: Entrepreneurs shoot from the hip and start investing in different marketing channels, sometimes simultaneously, sometimes trying one channel right after the other, when one of the channels did not produce a positive return on the investment.

For example: they might buy ads on Google Adwords, then run a LinkedIn campaign, then a Facebook campaign, produce YouTube videos, hire an SEO company, a PR agency, and so forth. And all the while they try out all those different services,  they end up wasting precious time and money.  

On the other hand, companies that are “in the know” – conduct the research needed in order to come up with a customized digital marketing strategy based on careful analysis of their business’ ecosystem and their competitions’ before launching a marketing campaign.

This approach is similar to the approach real estate developers use: Instead of building the building first and then look for tenants to lease the property to, they use the “build to suit” approach instead.

Like in Sun Tzu’s the Art of War, we study the terrain, find the best angles to attack from before the battle is fought , then we figure out the best strategies to employ and which war machines to deploy. (in our case the war machines consist of the different parts of your sales funnel).

Only after performing the study can we build the sales funnel best-suited to your business that will attract your best prospects in the greatest numbers, at the right time, in the right places online, and give them the right messages in the right sequence so they convert like crazy.

At Target Logic, after having analyzed 12,687 digital marketing campaigns, we’ve distilled the 7 major reasons why 9 out of 10 digital marketing campaigns fail:

  1. Not having a sales funnel customized to your specific business that converts traffic into sales.
  2. Not perfecting your existing sales funnel by maximizing the number of visitors that convert into buyers.
  3. Not uncovering the secret weapons your competition uses to get customers online. You need to know how they get their customers, what messaging they use, how frequently and on which platforms.
  4. Failing to identify which search terms you can use to rank on the first page of Google for free, bringing in tons of traffic and without paying for a single ad.
  5. Not knowing which online channels are most effective for your business and not knowing how to tailor your messaging so as to best engage with your target market on each channel.
  6. Over-paying for over-hyped software that hurt your profit margin. Not knowing which automated software is best suited and most cost-effective for your business.
  7. Not knowing how to best differentiate yourself from your competitors online. What is your unique selling proposition? What is your comparative advantage?

This is why after 20 years of research and monitoring thousands of campaigns we came up with Your Digital Marketing Battle Plan®.  

We created a system will maximize your chances of success in getting more web-generated customers. 

Of course you could invest your time to learn all the ins and outs of digital marketing, invest your time and money to try it yourself or you can simply hire us to do the research for you so you can confidently move forward, launch your business if you are a start up, or make your business more profitable if your are already established.  No matter what your situation is, your chances of success will be exponentially increased.

Contact us to schedule you free 30 minute consultation.

Client Testimonials

Reduce Client Acquisition Costs by 30-50% While Increasing Your Customer Base. Read Our Testimonials:

“My name is Anna-Lea Dieringer and I am the co-founder of VMO, a virtual marketing office based in Seattle, WA. We hired Stephen Gorgey and his company Target Logic to perform an Online Strategic Roadmap in order to assess a client’s online strategy. Stephen provided a wealth of information about our client’s industry and competition, and showed our client how to most effectively invest their marketing dollars online to increase sales and achieve a better return on investment.”

Anna-Lea Dieringer,
Co-founder of VMO,

“My agency has been working with TargetLogic for over 14 years. They understand how to put together strategic marketing strategies to help your business get more customers online. I highly recommend them if you are looking to grow your business online.”

Allen Breiter,
Founder & CEO,

“My partner and I own and operate an ecommerce site called: We hired Stephen Gorgey and his company Target Logic to design a strategic roadmap for our company in order to take our ecommerce business to the next level. Part of the Strategic roadmap was to get a solid understanding of our online competition and identify the most effective online marketing strategies to invest in. We highly recommend Stephen Gorgey and his company Target Logic to any company that needs a clear plan to take their business to the next level.”

Brenda Stimpton,